[OGIS] OatGrain-InnovationS
Inventions and IP for the 21st Century

Publications on Modern C++

The Compound Group-"LOOP" in English

These were hold In 2020 & 2021 about n "The Compound-Group LOOP"

hold at  22.10.2020 at the MUCplusPlus meetup Group


'[MUC++] Frank Haferkorn - "The Compound-Group LOOP" (Virtual Lightning Talk)'

In his lightning talk Frank will present a C/C++ core-language extension in form of the compound-group "LOOP".

The new compounds

  • loop(){},
  • typed_loop(){},
  • named_loop_up(){} and
  • named_loop_down()

allow easy coding of simple iterations and can improve the teachability, the readability of C/C++ and can lead to simpler algorithms and maybe optimized code. Frank shows the syntax, explains the basic usage, discusses the cons and pros and present an implementation that provides reduced functionality of the well known for(;;){} compound statement.

Read more at https://github.com/F-Haferkorn/ogis-modern-cxx-future-cpp


hold at Tuesday, March 30, 2021  at  the CppLondon Meetup.com-Group:

  'The Compound Block "LOOP" - and some implications'

The compound group "LOOP" is a C / C ++ language extension.

The introduced compound statements

  • loop() {},
  • typed_loop() {},
  • named_loop_up() {} and
  • named_loop_down() {}

are reductions of the regular for(;;){} compound.

They will allow writing different algorithms and will increase teachabillity of C/C++.


Publications on Semantic-Web/Linked Data 

These publications are the result of the EU-project www.Comvantage.eu


Collaboration and Interoperability within a virtual enterprise applied in mobile maintenance scenario


 Improving Industrial Collaboration

 Publications on Spatial Audio /Sound-Design: 

Audio Anecdotes III 

Audio Anecdotes III: Head related Transfer functions and the Physics of Spatial Hearing-

 DAGA 1996 : Jahrestagung 1996 der Gesellschaft für Akustik 

System zur Erzeugung von vorgebbaren Hörereignisorten  (Deutsch)

